A woman unexpectedly gives birth after going to the hospital for back pain

In a surprising turn of events, a woman, initially attributing her discomfort to routine back pain, found herself astounded as it unfolded that she was not only pregnant but also in the throes of labor.

Ceira Sutherland, a 24-year-old employee at a pet shop, theatrically welcomed her daughter after urgently seeking medical attention for agonizing stomach and rib pains.

Despite having her menstrual period six weeks prior, no visible baby bump, no morning sickness, and consistent condom use with her 27-year-old partner, Ceira remained oblivious to her pregnancy.

A hospital visit for back pain unraveled into the unexpected delivery of a baby she had no inkling about.

Ceira revealed she continued her normal activities, including partying and drinking, oblivious to the fact that she was carrying Amelia Aitken to full term.

Contrary to expectations due to polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), Ceira and her partner, Andrew Aitken, were taken by surprise when conception occurred, and the pregnancy remained concealed until labor commenced.

She vividly recalls the moment of birth, where Andrew, the butcher, stood in silent shock, unprepared for the sudden arrival.

Hailing from Thurso, Caithness, Scotland, Ceira expressed, "We hadn't even contemplated starting a family. Given my PCOS diagnosis, conceiving seemed unlikely. We used condoms diligently, making the revelation even more astonishing. While children were in our future plans, we envisioned them further down the road."

Just two days before Amelia's unexpected arrival, Ceira, oblivious to her pregnancy, endured an 11-hour work shift, only seeking medical attention when back pain escalated at her partner's home.

Ceira recollects, "My back, usually unaffected by work, became so sore that I had to pause and apply a hot pack. After finishing my shift and heading to my partner's place, nausea and back pain persisted. Ignoring the rib pains, it wasn't until 11 pm that night that I sensed something was amiss, prompting me to visit A&E."

Initially sent home with painkillers, Ceira returned within three hours as the pain intensified. Medical professionals suspected issues with her gallbladder but were perplexed by the severity of her pain. A positive pregnancy test from a urine sample surprised Ceira, who attributed it to a potential false positive due to PCOS.

Despite ongoing tests, doctors struggled to identify the cause of the pain until confirming she was indeed pregnant, estimating the baby's age at 20 weeks, based on her recent period.

Reflecting on the intense contractions, Ceira remarks, "Looking back, the shooting pain every five minutes was unmistakably contractions. However, at the time, I never fathomed I was in labor. The doctors were puzzled, attributing it to a cyst. Despite pain relief attempts, the intensity persisted."

The revelation occurred the next day when a nurse, conducting a final test, discovered the baby's head emerging. A swift transfer to the labor unit followed, where it became evident that this was not a 20-week-old baby.

Within hours of learning about her pregnancy, Ceira delivered baby Amelia, weighing an impressive 9lb and 13oz.

Despite the joy, Ceira harbored concerns about the baby's health, given her inadvertent alcohol consumption during pregnancy.

Ceira confesses, "Upon her arrival, I couldn't help but wonder, 'Whose baby is this?' It took a week to fully grasp that she was ours. Andrew, initially silent and in shock, coped remarkably well. The guilt of drinking during pregnancy haunted me, especially considering the revelry just a month before her birth. Thankfully, she was declared healthy."

Ceira, seemingly unaffected by typical pregnancy signs, including changes in her stomach, maintained regular periods, and experienced no morning sickness.

"With PCOS, irregular periods are the norm for me. I had one just six weeks before her birth. Having gone a year without a period before, this wasn't unusual. I never took a pregnancy test, and morning sickness never surfaced. The idea of pregnancy never crossed my mind throughout the nine months. Every doctor echoed the miracle of conception, given my PCOS history."

Reflecting on her daughter's extraordinary entrance into the world, Ceira marvels, "She's honestly the easiest baby ever. From a week old, she's slept 12 hours a night. She's a genuinely happy baby. It's surreal that a year ago, her existence was unknown to us."

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